Tips To Gain New Clients From The Gym Floor

As a coach / trainer, we all want to take on as many clients as we can. Sometimes however, gaining new clients from the gym floor can be a little harder than expected.

You may be doing all the right things, though it isn’t always plain sailing. Gaining new clients isn’t as easy as it’s made out to be!

There are many factors that come into play.

Below we have listed some top tips to help you:

  1. Be on their mind when they’re not in the gym.
    Don’t let potential clients forget about you! Say your average gym goer spends 1 hour in the gym, that’s only 1 hour of their day they may be in contact with yourself. What about the other 23 hours in a day?
    – Create a community via Facebook! Here you can supply content (of value) to gym-goers. Not only will this bring people together, it will be you at the forefront – The influencer.
    – Post challenges or topics of interest on a white/black board in your gym or through your gyms social media pages. Let people know the content was provided by yourself.
  2. Be vocal.
    Be that trainer that everyone is friends with! Be open and approachable. Build a rapport with members of the gym, be their go-to person when it comes to anything gym related.
    More importantly, listen! Remember little things such as holidays! Nothing beats a friendly gym atmosphere.
  3. Be a good trainer.
    They say the proof’s in the pudding! Do exactly as it says on the tin. Be a good coach.
    Let your clients’ results speak for themselves. Your clients own personal transformations alone can be enough to spark interest among members in the gym. This will lead to them wanting to know how they got in shape, and that finger will be pointing at you.
  4. Incentives.
    Offer new members a free consultation or 30 minute 1-1 session.
    Something to entice them in and show them how working with you can help them on their fitness journey.

We often overlook the simple tactics when it comes to increasing our revenue or client base, but at the end of the day once you have stripped everything back to basics it’s there in plain site; black and white.

Give some of the tips mentioned above a go before January ends, and watch your client base gradually grow from now up through till summer time. Just in time for those summer shredders 😉

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