5 Ways to Get More Work as a Personal Trainer

There are many benefits to becoming a personal trainer – the hours are flexible, you get paid for doing what you love, and it’s rewarding to see others smashing their goals. The health and fitness industry is tough though, so if you’re new to it, prepare yourself for long, hard graft because building up that client roster will take time and effort. To help you along the way, here are 5 very achievable ways of getting more work as a personal trainer.

1. Big yourself up with impactful marketing

Whether you’re a personal trainer employed by a gym or club or, or are self-employed, bringing in your own clients is always going to be a big part of your role. Therefore, self-promotion and marketing as also always going to be a big part of your role! We’re talking vibrant social media channels, slick business cards, and perhaps a branded sweater or two. Let’s face it, everyone loves stash!

There are lots of free tools available to help with your digital presence like social media, online portals and databases.

But, what about your physical presence? Well, believe it or not, that’s the easy part. Play up to your charming self and show your personality!

Do you always have a grin on your face? Do you always look professional? Make yourself known around the gym or within the industry if you’re operating online, even when you’re not on duty, and you’ll soon bag a friendly recommendation (or 10).

We’ve got a whole section of business & marketing tips for personal trainers on our blog, take a look here.

2. Be professional on the ‘gym floor’

Whether your ‘gym floor’ is a physical space or your online presence, it’s a common misconception that personal trainers should be laid back, just because they exercise for a living and exist in gym gear.

However, unprofessional behaviour can be much more off-putting than you’d think. This is a business, and your business at that! So, turn up on time, keep your social media profiles authentic yet professional and don’t talk badly of other trainers or clients. Remember, first impressions are everything!

3. Practise what you preach!

As a personal trainer, you are basically a walking, talking billboard for your work. You don’t have to be perfect all the time (who is?!), but keeping an eye on your own relationships with diet and exercise will be reassuring to clients. Telling Sally to chug celery juice each morning while you’re chomping down on two candy bars probably isn’t the best way to keep her coming back to you!

Share health and lifestyle tips from your own daily life and experience, your clients will be looking to you for advice- so don’t be a hypocrite, be an inspiration!

4. Offer discounts & freebies whenever you can

Now, this is a good one – if you’re the client!

One of the best ways to win and keep your clients is by showing what you have to offer upfront and making yourself affordable, relative to your target audience. In order to drum up some quick and easy business, don’t be afraid to flash a promotion to past clients, or offer a free session to new ones.

Having a personal trainer is often seen as a luxury, after all, so clients will look elsewhere if they can get a good session in at a cut-price. But being a good-egg, will go a long way as people buy people!

5. Don’t be afraid to show your weaknesses

Whilst practicing what you preach is important, so is being honest when you are out of your depth. We are all human, after all.

As you’ll know, most personal trainers specialize in certain disciplines, or prefer working in a certain way. For example, if your new client is pregnant but you know nothing about antenatal fitness, just say so!

They’ll either allow you to learn on the job or look elsewhere for a more suitable personal trainer. Trying to wing it and causing an injury is not an option. Trust what you’re good at, and you’ll be smashing your own business goals in no time!

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